Prayer Requests

-Phil. 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”  

-1 Thess. 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.”  

-Eph. 6:18, “Praying at all times in the Spirt, with all prayer and supplication.  To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.”  

-Col. 4:2, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.”  

prayers requested


Please pray for my friend Ed zoski. He is having surgery today on his kidneys. Thank you


NMC, I receive a text from my daughter, Mary Ruth, last evening and she has requested our prayers for her and her son Thane. Here is the text with her request... My seven and a half month old, Thane, was has a severe and rare case of meningitis. They gave him surgery. He is out of surgery now! We haven’t gotten an update yet. But the attending said before the surgery it takes months for a full recovery and even then it is uncommon to recover full lower mobility, if any at all. He said Thane’s condition is extremely rare and he's only seen a case like his 4-5 times in 20 years. I guess we'll wait and see what God says! Would you please ask your church to be praying for the best outcome. For peace, comfort, and a yielded heart to the things God would have for us. Ephesians 2:10. Prayer that the Spirit would use this to draw us near to him and that Christ alone would be glorified through our lives. That his hand would be evident in our lives for all to see his great and perfect love! Thank you, Thomas


Please be praying for the Malotts. My buddy Ian's mom is at USC due to liver failures. She is on the waitlist for a transplant. There is hope that she may get it, but she needs to pass all the tests (physical, emotional, and biological). Also, pray for their finances; they are missing a lot of work and own a business. Pray for energy as they travel back and forth to LA (they live in Arroyo Grande).


Please pray for Seth. He went for a check up today and they found something on his EKG. He's going in for an x ray yet to be scheduled to find out what's going on. Blessings Vivian


Our grandson, Parker, whi just turned 8 yesterday had a strange seizure this morning and my daughter and her husband are taking him to urgent care as of 11:30 this morning. Prayers up please... Thank you, and I will keep you posted. Blessings... Kevin

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  • Older Prayer Requests

    • Candi--Grandson Mikey--Had a flare up from his MS which caused him to be in the hospital for a couple of days.  
    • Candi--daughters brother-in-law, Tom, is not doing well and could pass away soon.  
    • Donny Ruger--Mother-in-law passed away.  
    • Big Rick--Jerry Ricks landlord.  Eric, Jerry's husband pasted away Sunday 5/23/2022.  
    • Dick Sargent--Grand child--dyed recently and is having a memorial 6/5/2022.  Pray of the family and her husband.    
    • Jeremy’s Friend—Tom—His daughter is being a bit rebellious and he asked for prayer for him and his wife dealing with her.  
    • Jeff Mechtel--Friend Ron's son--His so is having issues with substance abuse.  
    • Terry Brown--Daughter Victoria's boss, Marin has a rare potentially fatal blood disorder; that God would reveal Himself to them both as their Redeemer & healer.
    • Dick Sargent--Daughter Marie has contracted and is being treated for Pulmonary Hypertension.  Pray for God's healing.  
    • Annette--Mom Nancy-- She does not have hope and does not have Jesus and needs Him.  
    • Mark--All the workers comp. issues in Washington. 
    • Marty--Pray for Marty's unsaved children--Luis, Anthony, and Olivia.  That they would give their lives to Christ.    
    • Louis--Husband Tom is declining from dementia.  He is also having health issues and his hands are swollen.    
    • Candi--Grandson Mikey and his family.  He has an MRI coming up soon and insurance is giving them problems.    
    • Mark--Sue--She is going through a lot with Danny (her husband) and Steve (her brother).    
    • Mark--Danny Story--He is going through dialysis 3 times a week, physical therapy, and cancer treatment.  
    • Mark--Gregg Reynolds--he is having bone marrow transplant procedure done.  His son Garrett is the donor for him so pray for his son as well.  The procedure is: 9/9/2021.   
    • Kevin--His son in-law's mom, Gloria, is in the hospital with COVID-pneumonia.  Pray that they will seek out other treatments to get her better.  
    • Kevin--He is having health issues and trying to figure out what is the problem.  
    • Kevin--Son-in-law's cousin family--His cousin is in critical condition, his cousins wife was hit by a drunk drive and killed, and his cousin's 2 daughters are not hurt physically but suffering loss.  
    • Candi--Grandson Mikey needs Jesus in his life.  
    • Michael Honn--Nephew Cameron is recovering from a gun shot.  He needs Jesus in his life.  
    • Kevin Scholl--Friend Stew--has cancer.  
    • Mark Lancaster--Friend Don and Judy--Son Wyatt is struggling and needs God.  
    • Annette--Reya (her 9 year old neighbor)--That Brad and Annette would be a good gospel presence in her life.  
    • Sarah Mitchell--Pray for her friend Jim.  His wife has Alzheimer's and it is progressing fast.  He is also carrying for one of their friends that has breast cancer.  
    • Salvation List from prayer night:  Terry--Jim and Marry, Brad--Alison and Jason, Annette--Denise and Stuart, Kevin--Ron and Shawn, Mark--Linda, Frank, Shawn, and Shawns wife, Jeremy--Pat, Kiki, Jeff, Maggie, Mario, Josh, and Lee, Jeff--Richard, Gina, and Jennifer.  
    • Pray for our country--It is really divided and struggling in it's identity. 
    • Mark Lancaster--Sarah (his new granddaughter-in-law) would stay strong in her Christians faith as she is around Mark's non-christian family and is a witness to them. 
    • NMC--That we would be untied and for each other supporting each other. 
    • Jeff Mechtel--shared about God with his parents.  Pray that he continues to have those gospel conversations with them.
    • Mark Lancaster--Friend David--Memory issues and overall health.
    • Terry--Pray for J, that he would remain clean and sober.  

ANswered Prayer request

  • These are prayer request that have come to North Morro Church and have been answered.  

    • The Honn's--They have COVID.  Pray that they get better quickly.  
    • Kevin Scholl--He is having COVID like symptoms.  Pray that he gets better quickly.  
    • 8/14/2022--marc Lewis--Pray for their time in Alaska with Kaitlyn's brothers and sister-in-law. 
    • 7/22/2021--Jeremy Ventresca--Sister Sarah has COVID and is in the hospital.  SHE WAS RELEASED AND DOING WELL.  
    • 7/22/2021--Candii Sargent--Grandson Mikey was having eye issues.  HE GOT NEW MEDICATIONS AND THEY ARE WORKING.
    • 7/22/2021--Mark Lancaster--Fred Jacober dad Joe is slowing down at 97 years old and needs a lot of care.  JOE WENT TO BE WITH THE LORD. 
    • 7/22/2021--Jeff Mechtel--Neal is having member lost and lost his license.  NEAL HAS COME TO TERMS WITH NOT HAVING HIS LICENSE.
    • 7/22/2021--Mark Lancaster--Grandson Wyatt and new wife Sarah would build a strong biblical relationship.  
    • 7/22/2021--Kevin Scholl--His back is hurting very badly.  
    • 7/22/2021--Candii Sargent--Liche (alicia) McLlelan has passed away due to COVID.  Pray for the ministry and their congregations.  Pray also for Pastor Vice as he has lost his wife.  
    • 7/22/2021--Candii Sargent--Pray for Eric Barker who had to have emergency surgery of tear in his chest. 
    • Annette Martin--had surgery 10/5/2021
    • Kevin Scholl--Church that He has been playing worship for is having different moral issues among a couple of the leaders.  Pray that the church can weather these storms well. 
    • Annette Martin--her mom Nancy had to put her dog down and it is really hard for her.  
    • Annette Martin--Upcoming oral surgery.
    • Mark Lancaster--Has water on his knee.  
    • New Vision Church--trying to navigate what to do now with COVID still lingering.  
    • Candii Sargent--Her daughter Renee's biological father has COVID and is not expected to live very long.  Renee is going to see him.  Pray for the family as they gather there, and for Renee's health. 
    • Dick Sargent--Regain His strength in his legs so he can walk again.
    • Marc Lewis--Pray for the Doyles in Tahoe, as the fire is burning Tahoe and they have been evacuated.  
    • Candii Sargent--Grandson Mikey, has been diagnosed with M. S.  Pray that he would seek out treatment and understand how to deal with this disease.  
    • Vivian Langel--Husband Tony's knee is hurting and will get an MRI soon. 
    • Candii Sargent--Granddaughter is going to have. a C-section Aug. 20th.  
    • Brad Martin--Has to have surgery on his neck.  Pray for wisdom and guidance as to what choices to make.  
    • Jeremy and Kristin Ventresca--That Sarah would get to come and be with them permanently.   
    • 4/12/2021--Kevin Scholl and wife Sue--They are sick and not feeling well.  
    • 2/13/2021--Jeremy and Kristin Ventresca--Pray that they would listen to God's guiding in making a decision about adoption.  There is a meeting on 2/10/2021 where all the social works are going to work on a placement plan.  
    • 2/17/2021--Terry Brown--His mom's health and the place she is living is in COVID lock down.  
    • 1/25/2021--Candii Sargent--Pastor Vico (Victor) has COVID and has pre-existing health issues.  Pastor Vice is the pastor of the Victory Outreach Church in Westlake and is also in charge of two men's homes for those suffering with addictions.  
    • 1/23/2021--Marcus and Kaitlyn Lewis--Pray for them to find a house to buy.  
    • 1/23/2021--Annette Martin--Brad was deployed to Sacramento to deal with possible protests at the Capitol.  Pray for his safety.  
    • 1/11/2021--Candii Sargent--Daughter Renee came home from work with flu like symptoms.  Pray that it is not COVID and if it is COVID, that she will be health through the virus.  Pray that Dick and Candii do not get whatever Renee has.  
    • 12/21/2020--Ron Donatelli--Has recovered from cancer treatment and is having issues with his arm and hand.  
    • 12/21/2020--Jeremy, Kristin, and Hudson all have COVID.